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The effects of sleep can be very rewarding. The lack of it, can prove also very damaging.

1. Effects of sleep on weight

During times of stress and sleeplessness, our bodies start to release Cortisol, more commonly known as the stress hormone. As a means to protect us against upcoming stress, our bodies begin to hold onto fat stores. Furthermore, with an ongoing decrease in will look to other source for energy to keep itself working for the day. This includes any source of high fat and sugar. According to a research published in the International Journal of Obesity by Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, a sensible diet and exercise are key to achieving weight loss, however it seems difficult to adhere to without adequate sleep.

2.Effects of sleep on hair

Hair is very sensitive to internal alterations and so a lack of sleep triggered by stress, can be followed by the onset of an accelerated hereditary loss of hair. According to Clinical Director of the Institute of Trichologists and Nioxin expert, Keith Hobbs, this can be explained by the fact that “Cells are regenerated during sleep and deprivation will affect the health of your hair. In many cases, a correct diagnosis from a qualified member of the Institute of Trichologists can be followed by treatment and a successful outcome” 

3. Effects of sleep on skin

The study Bensons for Beds, which included participants such as supermodel Jodie Kidd, found that women who slept around five hours five days in a row had double the amount of fine lines, wrinkles and more than three quarters the amount of brown spots in the form of dark circles under their eyes than those who slept 8 hours.

4.Effects of sleep on the immune system

Lack of sleep has also been linked to a weaker immune system all together. People who sleep less than seven hours a day are three times more likely to develop an infection or catch a cold. An excess in cortisol, the main stress hormone, can cause illnesses such as diabetes as well as inflammations.

5. Effects of sleep on hormones

According to a report by the NHS, “chronic stress may trigger hormonal reactions that result in an intake of energy-dense foods, so that eating becomes a “coping behavior” and food becomes “addictive”. Lack of sleep may also affect hormones associated with feelings of fullness or hunger.